Importance of Fertilizer

Fertilizer is one of the most important management practices used to determine turf grass quality. Fertilizer will affect the general health of the plant. The healthier the plant is, the better the turf grass stand can compete and tolerate competing pests, like weeds, disease and insects. A high quality dense turf will naturally out compete weeds and decreasing or even…

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The Spring Tiphia: A Natural Enemy of the Japanese Beetle

The Japanese Beetle, (popillia japonica) was frst detected in Riverton, NJ in 1916. Since Then it has expanded its range continuing to be an important pest of ornamentals and turf. During 1920’s and early 1930’s USDA entomologists imported Tiphia vernalis Rohwer (Hymenoptera Tiphiidae) from Korea to aid in Japanese beetle control. This wasp also known as the spring Tiphia is…

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